As I ponder on what Spirituality means, I am seeing that True Spirituality is a total and complete surrender to All that is and All that will be. All that We Are and All that We Will Be. It is a Total and Complete acceptance to All of Life and comes without judgment, without violence, but with Unconditional Love. Spirituality is Awakening to the true nature of the self without fear but with an Inner Peace stemming from Immense Love of Self and All other. When we discovery that our inner peace does not depend on events or circumstances in the world but on a quiet and profound inner fulfillment, we become less self-centered, less needy of others’ approval or recognition, less focused on material things and social status and fame. We Become Much Happier, Healthier and More Loving Individuals who are less likely to cause suffering to ourselves and others.” With My Love and Friendship Always!

Tags: Spirituality

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