Why do people speak the way they do?
Just look at the number of @#@#@ words they use interspersed in each syllable.
Like arrows tipped in poison, so are their words aimed at every person.
Trash produces trash.
And then they keep wondering why things haven't quite worked the way they thought they would.
Little realizing, their words were really the culprit.

Words are creative.
They create from scratch.

God said, "Let there be," and there came to be. Things exist today because He spoke them into existence.
We speak utter nonsense every day, find things completely messed up and then wish if things could somehow be reversed.

Our words are powerful.
Stand before a mirror and say to the person staring you in the face each morning, "I love you."
You'll be a different person altogether some months from now.

A mother's encouraging words to her ailing child...
a dad's "you can do it," to his failing son...
a spouse welcoming her errant partner home with a heartfelt "I forgive you..
a son away in college writing, "I miss you...."

A teacher's "awesome potential" writ large on your page....
"you'll make it big someday," parting words from a sage...

"Born for greater things," a school's motto..
carves itself into it's students psyche somehow..

That's what words can do. They create and also destroy.
Many a life has been destroyed by a careless, harsh word spoken by a friend, teacher or parent.

Let's create beauty all around.

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