
Basically meaning "Some other day in future".There are so many yearns for someday. People have their own definition of someday, their own transitions, their own manipulations.For some people it just an excuse for no time, rather for some its a wish, a desire, an assurance, a relief but all in all it just remains for someday, someday in future.

"Maybe Someday", the one of common reply you get on proposing your closed ones. People have seen one side lovers persuading themselves, "I'll talk to her someday" or like "Someday I'll gather courage to let her know what I feel for her from the day first". Then, the day arrives when you finally have talking with her, through a common friend."We'll be great friends sooner, lets keep other things for the latter someday" you assure yourself. And then when you finally have her hand in yours and you know your heart been captured, the things involving someday changes. Maybe for the better, maybe for worst.

You have your career stacked for the thing called love. "Things will change someday". Yeah they will. You don't have time to call your parents let alone spending time with friends."Sometime someday". yeah, someday in future you may say. No sooner than, the sparks of relationship begins to lose away somewhere, "I will understand her/him someday" you assure yourself for vain. And it goes all the way to calling her someday, meeting her someday, showering love on her someday. Time changes from when you loved her each moment of everyday, and then to sometime someday.

In the worst case scenario, even breakups happen. All you are left with now are lines like "I'll forget her someday", "The pain will lessen up someday", "She'll come to me someday", "let me die in peace, i wish she comes to know she's still the one, SOMEDAY."

As Valentine day around the corner, for some people someday have just arrived, and for some, its just sticks back to its basic definition. All it want to says that, Maybe the week have seven days, maybe month have some thirties, maybe the year have some three fifties, Through all the days ranging from all days you celebrate, or drag yourself in. SOMEDAY is none of them. None.

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