"Some day" doesn't exist, never has, and never will.
There is no "some day". There's only today.
When tomorrow comes, it will be another today; so will the next day.
They all will. There is never anything but today.

Have you ever counted the times you say the words "some day", during the course of a week? Probably not, as we are all to busy worrying about it, planning for it, working towards it, that we actually forget, it doesn't really exist. Some day I will make him so happy that he will forget all the sorrowness I have given to him,some day I will take a day off and go on an adventure, some day I will go for exercise, some day I will be happy when I.. after I.... Some day I will have time. But if some day doesn't exist, that means it never comes. So all the hard work and all the planning is for what? Some day is the ultimate procrastination. All of us are guilty of it, we do it every day and half the time don't even realize it. We are so caught up in work and the daily grind that we lose sight of what we have right now. We have today. If you can't see beyond what you think you are working towards, saving for, how will you know when you are there? Rarely do we stop and say.. Today is my Some Day.. Today I am going to make it happen. I am going to tell the person I am with that I love him, I am going to make him most proud husband. Today, instead of traveling the never ending road to Some day, I am actually going to arrive.

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. I mean seriously..do we actually think that the world will end if we take the time? Are the planets going to collide and stars fall from the sky? Probably not, but to us when faced with this, will fall back on any excuse we can think of as to why its impossible. What we don't understand is that there is always, "something" and maybe that something can wait til someday to get done.

And its not just events we put off.. its decisions and changes and life. We stay in situations and hope that someday things will be different, some day she will change, some day he will understand me. Some day I will go after that job, that degree, that guy. Some day I will speak my mind. Some day I will write again..(yeah that was mine) and then its not procrastination, its plain ole fear. Fear of failure, of rejection, sometimes fear of success. Cause once we get there and we do it, we have no idea what to do next, and that scares us. Thus the cycle continues, and it is a circle of some days.

We all need to man up. We all need to take stock of what is important to ourselves, our families, our lovers and friends and stop living on the fantasy island called Someday I'll.....

Can you do it?

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