Somebody told me that ,

" Lead your life similar to a Dictionary..!!!

Provide meaning to only those who refer u..!!"

At first when these words were told to me i didn't understood the the actual meaning of these words...where this phrase will be used in my life..or whether in which phase of my life it will be apt...

but there comes a time in our life..when the words spoken by someone plays an important take up certain decisions that will suit you the best..

Some people just tends to come in everybody's life..who will just treat them as a "Write and Throw pen"
but they just don't understand the hidden things that are broken with that act..

don't know what to do at that time..just a sense of anger comes thinking all these stuffs...

Some how god has given a MOVE ON button in our life..that's what we can press...and go further..

just forget what had happened :);)

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