Didn't see you much after we had the just friends talk
Twenty five years later still recognize your walk
I was having just another routine day
Did a double-take asked a friend what did the Dean just say
He mentioned your maiden name just as clear as day
Hope your wealthy husband still has time to play

I gotta give you credit you sure aged well
And clearly your husband is doing swell
Your both very generous and know where you came from
If I invited you to Burger King suspect you still would come
Hope you're both enjoying all of his success
You have an air of confidence and worldliness

Would have been nice to catch up and remember the time
Didn't seem appropriate with the social ladders you climb
Still picture you as an innocent eighteen year old
Whose idea of a good time was going to where shoes were sold
But the truth be told I'm glad your doing well
But you live in a different world than the one in which I dwell.

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