So let us close our eyes if with them open we are kept apart...
In death, as in sleep, we shall conquer all distances...
So let us not utter a single word if it might be nothing but mourn...
In death, as in silence, we might talk all the buried and go on for ages...
So let us not long for that touch and live with the agony and despair...
In death, as in a dream, we shall be one for once and forever...
So let us help ourselves against this chaos that rules our minds...
In death, as in any state of oblivion, it shall no longer exist...
So let us maintain an unfaltering smile on our faces...
In death, as in happiness, we shall reach newer elevations...
So let us not yearn so much and in peace be our minds...
For in death, finally, we shall be inseparable...

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