Some people don't smile.When you pass their way and you greet them,they'd just nod professionally and walk away.
Only thing,they aren't any high flying executive or CEO of a top company.It's just that they don't want to smile.

In their opinion,smiling gives away lots and puts them in a precarious position where they might just be taken advantage of.So they stay sour faced all the time,spoiling everyone's day-at home or work.

There are folk who return your generous greeting with a half smile on their faces.That way they have given away little,keeping people guessing.
Others greet you with a plastic,artificial smile.Matlabhi types.When they've got their fill from you, they're done.You'll never see them again.

Do we have to pay in rubies or gold? Just to make one smile?
A dimpled Deepika Padukone or Preity smile lightens up the screen.Aishwarya's is the prettiest smile.Katrina looks serious sometimes on T.V promos,for she reserves her smiles only for the movies.
The beauties laugh then all the way to the bank.

But a true smile hardly costs a dime.It's totally free.
An exercise for all facial muscles,the easiest beauty treatment.
Lifts up sagging skin,no need to take botox for your lines.
Only let it come from deep within,sincere.
So smile please,raise your TRPs.
(True rating points).

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