I don't know exactly if that's normal or just a stupid habit of mine.. but I can't resist sleeping in buses, when travelling for long distances, even though sometimes I do my best not to sleep..

Below is an incident that happened to me once, and it discouraged me further from sleeping in buses..

several drops of incoming rainfall hit the window.. I leaned my head against the window glass to enjoy the sound better. there was still about 30 minutes to reach my destination. But then 'disaster' happened...

A woman, not old, but young and fleshy, warm and chubby, tall and sexy, came to sit next to me.. But I took no notice of her.. "she might be someone's wife you fool", I thought to myself..

But the problem was that she was sitting very close to me and was sharing some warmth. Any other time.. It would have perhaps be good, but in a bus, in a cold atmosphere like that one, when I'm leaning my head against a window where thousands of rainfall drops were hitting.. CATASTROPHE!!!!

I began to feel sleepy, very sleepy.. "don't sleep, don't sleep, don't sleep you asshole..", I murmured, careful not to let the nice lady hear.. But my eyes began closing, I made some effort to keep them open, to no avail..I tried as a last resort: "Should not sleep, do not sleep, do not-",..total darkness..

Accelerating.. loud honing... came to stop...on the go again...rainfall splashing near my ear..feeling warm.. nice feeling..

I started to open my eyes slowly.. I saw blur figures of houses and trees.. when realization struck, my jaws literally dropped.. I had missed my bus stop.. I hurried off the bus the moment it stopped at a bus stop. It was raining cats and dogs. I was a long way from home.. The street was flooded, there was no other bus in sight.. I starred desperately at the streets, hoping for a bus to come, so that I can return back.. hating myself for drifting off to sleep..

And as you might guess already.. I walked home.. by the time I was home, at 6:45 p.m, I was drenched to the core, shivering like an idiot and as tired as if I just climbed mount Everest....

I decided to avoid sleeping in buses since that day.. A lesson learned should be forgotten after all.. :D

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