Trying too hard to bait him
would fail to impress
whining 'cause he talks little
makes him his feelings to repress
grumbling about him to others
would simply make matters worse
trying too hard to look good
becoming thin, eating no food
applying layers of makeup could
only make him run away
in fear and in dismay
holding on to his bachelorhood!

But if you would just let go
your frustration not show
if you give him more space
let him move at his own pace
and do what you love
without judging, without row
if in love and simplicity
without an iota of duplicity
or desire for publicity
you just do things right
walking daily in His light
then one day you'd find
he and you are of same mind
and then discover
the lid of pleasant surprise uncover
that he's now more mellow
actually a very nice fellow!

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