'Do to others what you wish they should do to you.'
Life changing, isn't it?
Just try it. Watch how folk who normally wouldn't throw a second glance at you, suddenly warm up to you.

'Do not judge.'
I'm afraid I often judged people harshly..till I went through similar situations as theirs.
Then I realized how foolish I was!

'Cast all your cares on Him.'
God wants us to trust Him to carry our little load. Just as a dad willingly stoops down to untie the book laden school bag off his little kid's shoulders and then proceeds to carry it himself. The kid walks happily along, dancing and prancing all the way. He knows daddy is strong.

Have you ever seen any dad or mom walking alongside the child, unwilling to lighten the tiny shoulder?
Suppose the kid refuses to part with his load? Height of foolishness!
That's what we often do when we refuse to hand over our cares to Him.

'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
Not really tough as it sounds. If we can accept ourselves totally, irrespective of how we are..with our plus and minus points..can't we do that to each and every person who comes along?

'Love your enemies.'
An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Our filmi heroes glorify this fact so awesomely. So the need for revenge..and dishum dishums follow, blood flows..
Hatred only begets hatred.
But an act of love can soften the heart of the worst enemy more than a thousand bad words and dishums landed squarely on his jaw.

The Bible says 'a soft tongue can break the toughest bone.'
Well, I won't write this if I didn't follow this myself.

Fight off the desire to badmouth difficult people, instead investigate why they are what they are. Try to fit into their shoes..

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