my condition was "I love to write"
now it is "I love to write about you"
thought of yours has become a shadow of my words
love of yours has come to stay in my heart forever
Existence of yours has become a sigh of relief for me
Text messages of yours have become a life of my cell phone

O yeah, it sounds romantic, but the truth it is.

my clock always has time for you
for my day is empty without you
i know not why but
this unknown desire of keeping you close
is increasing day by day

I am not expecting anything
I value what I am having at present
and that is you
the precious part of my life
the best times of my days

I am unable to describe what i have for you inside me
All I want is being with you
no matter in what moods you are
I love to have you in any form
I am never bored of you my dear
I never gets irritated by you
I know not why
but this is what happens when
it is You

yes,I hate when your are in strange moods
not for how you talk
but is it just that
I hate anything bad happening to you

I don't know why I am jotting it down
I want to capture these feelings, this time and everything about you
keep it where I can refresh them in my mind whenever I want to
you are the best thing happening to me
and I keep records of best things in one form or the other
the idea may sound crazy
but I know how I feel about you
and it is much more than these words
I so desperately want myself to be nearest to you

This is not that 'love' which is marked with a hell lot of conditions
I love you in your every condition

Believe me or not
I never gave that much time to anyone else in my entire life
neither do I have composed any such thing for anyone
neither do I have tried to keep my eyes open at night for talking
nor I have listened to everything of anyone else

All my care and love revolves around you
I am moody
but internally, not your name, but you have been engraved on my heart!!!
and thus I take you everywhere, where I go.

I have become a love bird,
but seriously, this is not that kind of typical "love"
this is a beautiful blend of two which is getting stronger with every passing moment!
There is fun,
there is love,
there is care,
there are fights,
there are things so private
there is everything about "us"
and I am falling in love with this "us" thing everyday...

Tags: Love

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