i actually don't know what to write,but i always have a passion to write something may be my story of whole day.i think i am unable to remember things or i always fear.may be when i look back in my past from childhood till today i just make out one thing that i always live in fear.fear was a major driving force for my few success and all my failure.I don't know why i fear so much.I am always influence by other people.i don't have my own identity,who am i or what is my interest.i do what others do or i always want to prove other that i am the best whether that task was my cup of tea or not.When i am all alone at home i just sit idle or keep browsing net unnecessarily and after few hours i feel so lonely that i don't understand what to do now,in such a condition i start watching porn.I fear that i will loose behind and my friends will rise in their career.I fear failure,or i want sucess in a very quick succesion of time,drugs dont help to get out of this fear.I dont want to become slave.I want to meet people,see nature but i jst sit alone in my house doing nothing.I dream big but dont know the way out,Should i dream big or should i continue my career what so ever is comming in my way.In this it world they say u need to learn more u need to to have jest for knowledge.U need to speak.U need to have a active mind.Every thing lies in our head it can help u to take the world with u,u just need to use it

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