All guys and dudes who loves to show off in front of hot chicks, you better take a lesson from this post..

Once a man went to the parking lot outside his office building after work. He saw a latest model Ferarri parking next to his old, nearly twenty years old Toyota Corrolla, that once belonged to his dad.

"fabulous", he said, impressed by the vehicle,"wish I had a car like that one, Then I would have lots of girls crazy about me".

At that particular moment a sexy blond entered the parking lot. The man noticed her and thought: "Wow, Check that sexy babe, I'll try to impress her"

So he took out his mobile phone, and began feigning an important call. He leaned against the Ferarri, to show that the car was supposedly his. The blond was coming in his direction. So he started to talk louder, pretending to be an important businessman that was shouting commands at his secretary. To make better impression, he even kicked one of the car wheels.

The blond came next to him and said: "Excuse me MR, I-"

"wait a minute babe, I'll finish off with this scumbag first then I'll talk to ya", he interrupted the woman.

But as soon as he walked a little away from the vehicles, The hot babe opened the door, entered in the car and drove away, leaving the man staring..

Imagine the expression on his face.. :)

Tags: Humor

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