She is a Volcano with all the true Love contained within her.
When poured on one, would live forever with her Love needless of anything else in this world or some other.

She is an Ice cream with all the cold and sweet.
When tasted would bring a smile even in the worst hours of heat.

She is a beautiful Tree which is so green.
When needed or not, would provide a shelter always, cozy to be in.

She is a Fire which would never extinguish.
When in cold-storm would warm in a way, so distinguish.

She is a pretty Flower which would never wither.
When breathed once, would feel the fragrance forever.

She is an amusing Song, which doesn't have or need lyric.
When heard, would echo always as along the heart beats with none to critic.

She is an Angel, which doesn't need wings to fly.
When touched or met, would fill the Life with unending Love so pure to make it heavenly and beautiful like a pleasing night sky.

She is a Soul, which is so gentle.
When felt dead within, would make alive being transcendental.

She is a perfect connotation to my view of a beautiful being with a kind, exquisite and lovely Heart.
When with her or without being with her, blends all the little pieces of feelings into a Joyce and marvelous imaginations knobby.

“Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye”

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