
She dreads the late night journey back home

She treads the path in the dark all alone

She feels the demons hiding all around

She clutches her purse so she can feel safe and sound

She prays to the deities above for a safe passage back

She tries to remove it out of her head, this night pitch black

She feels the cold night around her starting to compress

She knows if anything happens, the bastards will blame her dress

She thanks the gods for the streetlights for the vision gives her strength

She sees the demons in the dark, the ones before she had felt

She blames the government, the sadist male, the society in denial

She holds her phone in her hand, all the important numbers on speedial

She has a strong urge to call someone, a friend

She wants the person to talk her till the paths end

She collects whatever courage she can muster

She nears her home, starts walking faster and faster

She thanks the gods for the safe passage home

She enters the door, delighted to see her mom

She collects her thoughts and puts herself back together

She knows she'll have to go through this tomorrow and maybe forever....

For she is just an ordinary girl fighting an extraordinary battle each day.

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