Don't You leave this sacred place ;
Your temple , your idol resides here !
How will i live a single day , for i have never let my starlet vanish away !
Will he love you as much this father does ?
Will he keep you on his eyes ?
Will his parents love you selfless ;
Promise me won't he fight ?
I will , i will , my heart shall weep - deep inside i won't rejoice .
For the second woman after your mother is the one with whom I will get divide .
He will take care of you but how shall console a dying father ;
Will these twenty five years of love just fall blind ?

Father , Father don't you cry !
Never am i going to leave this place just becoming somebody else's grace .
Someday you will get the proud ;
I still will live somewhere down here !

Years coupling , passed by -
Leaving her father , Grace was she and somebody else's bride .
Things changed a lot , it showed as the father was now a deprived soul .

Woke up with a start from a night slumber was I -
Daddy I love you , sorry i be ;
Had I listened you would have witnessed an elated living me .
I was the pride , i was the bride for the new people , some new days .
I saw the manly figure in him , i saw him love me , no grudges i hold , whilst , hate his family .
He kept me on his eyes ;
Never let touch the ground .
The folks were all the opposite , I could see .
All the true love they held was for money ;
they breathed , they walked , they sang , they talked all for penny .

My baby went for earning some dollars , far away crossing the seas ;
Seeing the alone lover they demanded for money .
Furious I , reluctantly cried ;
No , I won't slam it honeys !
Burnt , they burnt me with kerosene and fright ;
Corpse died , Soul cursed and cried ;
Why is the human so blind ?

Someday , I promised to get you proud , alas , i think God stopped me while .
Everyday in your dreams i know i haunt you there ;
But, God , he sits with me right here .
Always do i pray , give the crying souls of my heart , a pious strength in their hearts .

Brimming with tears , quivering bottom to top ;
The father thought -
She Still Lives Somewhere Down Here ;
In Everything we do , in our hearts , in our souls , in our lives !
Yes , She Still Lives Somewhere Down Here
She Still Lives Somewhere Down Here .

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