She's type of girl who forgives easily, but hardly
forgets...She'll be mad at you and will get over it
next day.
She'll be almost 100% sure she's done with you
and then she'll remember how much you mean to
her.... and come back to you.
She'll ignore you until she starts missing you
It's Not too difficult to understand, it's easy
because she cares enough to not hold
grudges...Even if you hurt her, She'll find it in her
heart to drop it. But see that dont take her
forgiving as graned, the forgetting part is not as
easy because although she'll move on from the
arguments and harsh words, its stuck in her
memory and she'll remember it for long.. but her
love is stronger and again she will b her usual self
with you..

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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