(contd.).....She prayed to the skies above her for a miracle which would change her life for good
..” Suddenly her stream of thoughts was interrupted by some noises coming from her back. She turned to find a horde of girls crowding something. She came closer to get a peek of it and then suddenly there was a tap on her shoulder. She turned to find her uncle Klein holding out her nail filer. He said,” This is the last time you are keeping your things in my pockets. You know how embarrassing it looks when I search my pockets for my wallet and in my hand comes your nail flier or your lip gloss.”
She quietly studied her handsome uncle and burst out laughing,” I’m sorry, Uncle Klein. I didn’t mean to embarrass you but I do not carry a purse with me so you are my things’ keeper or more appropriately your pockets.” Uncle Klein smiled and turned to attend an officer. Shzara then distracted her attention to the horde of girls laughing, smiling, giggling and blushing at something. And she went closer she got to know it was not something but someone. In the middle of the horde was standing a man draped in a black tuxedo. His black hair was shining in the lights and his back was to Shzara. She walked around and found herself looking at the most handsome man she has ever seen, more handsome than her uncle himself. His features were sharp and every part of his face was sharp and perfectly carved out or that was what seemed to her. His hair was jet black and his eyes...she could not make out in all the lights. His physic was strong and muscular but not overly pumped like bodybuilder but in proportion. His height was around 6 ft. He donned a pair of black chunky glasses and seemed to enjoy his time around girls, charming them with false praises.
His twinkling eyes and perfectly tanned skin was the limelight of his looks. He was not too much tanned or less tanned but perfect tan. But that is not what got Shzara ‘s attention, the fact that he didn’t belong here. His accent was not of Anarley and this party was only for the Anarley’s officials and she knew practically all the officials and their relatives but him???..She had not seen him.
By the time she went to take another look at him, he was gone. She searched him everywhere because she was curious about his whereabouts. And then she found him take the flight of stairs which leads to under the deck, a place which is only reserved for the high officers. No one was watching that part of the ship as everyone was enjoying the drinks and each other’s company. She took the advantage of the situation and followed him. She reached the bottom of the deck, she was surprised to find no soldiers or security people there as it was one of the most important place on the ship.
Suddenly she heard a groan and she followed the voice and found all the soldiers fallen unconscious and one was on the way to unconsciousness and he was groaning. She ignored him and turned her attention to light which was coming from the President’s room. She slowly walked her way up and alerted all her senses as she thought she was going to face handsomely- dangerous- villain. She slowly opened the door and DAMN....the door made a creaking sound and guess her spy work had fallen apart even before it started. She peeked inside to find him staring at the door, his face expressionless but his eyes twinkling. The best she could just come up with was,” Hey.

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