“Love You Too, Good Night” she said and closed the Balcony door. Her phone was almost dead after a long conversation of 2 hrs. She plugged the cell phone to the charger near the dining table. She murmured “tomorrow morning meeting is a must, no way to skip”. She put the alarm for 5:30 am. “The 1 hr sleep you get after the alarm rings is really awesome you know” she said to herself.

While switching off the bed room light, she realized her laptop was still lying on the bed. She thought of quickly checking her mails before sleeping. The subject line of the first mail in her mailbox completely ruined her mood. The mail was from urs4ever@****.com with subject as “Servant Quarter..!!”

After a battle of 2mins (between brain and heart), she decided to have a quick glance at the mail content. She started reading ….

First of all, I am really sorry for ruining your mood. I know you are feeling like deleting this mail right away, but please don’t. I promise, this mail won’t make you upset. Please read once.

I know your heart is already overloaded. You have already done all possible extension (in your heart) despite warning from the municipal corporation. In your Duplex of heart, all rooms are already occupied. There is no space in your heart for me to fit in .

I completely understand your position. I am neither demanding for the master bedroom nor the hall. I know even the Balcony, kitchen and bathrooms too are already occupied. What I am requesting is just the corner “Servant Quarter”. I swear, I won’t trouble you at all, won’t come out of the Servant room. I promise, I will never ever try to occupy any other room, not even the storage room.
I will.....................................(continued)“

“I don’t know what to do with this guy”, she said to herself. Without reading the full mail (She knew what all would be there in rest of the mail) she clicked on the “reply” button.

“Any girl can get impress with your sweet imagination. I am no exception. However, as I already told you multiple times, there is no vacancy, not even in my Servant Quarter. Try this with any other girl, it will work for sure. Take care, Bye “. After clicking the send button, she pushed her laptop to the corner or the bed and switched off the bedroom light.

Suddenly she got up and opened her eyes. The sound in her ears made her get scared, though she was not hearing it for the first time. She tried to cover her face with the blanket, but failed to stop the sound reaching her ears. She switched on the light and drank a full bottle of water. She was sweating like anything, did not get courage to go to the bathroom. The wall clock was saying, it was just 3:00 AM. To spend somehow the next 3 hrs, she opened her laptop again. The mail from him was still open. She started reading from where she left earlier.

(“ Continuation of the mail.................... )

I will scold the security Guard and ask him not to blow whistle near our house at night. I ll tell him, My Mam really get scared with this sound .So you should better not blow whistle while passing through our house.

In the evening, when you will come to the balcony to enjoy the rain, I know you ll miss mom’s pakoda and Chai.Before tears fill your eyes, I will bring a plateful of pakoda and Chai to the balcony.

After tiring long hours in office, when you ll come home with a severe headache, I will put oil in your long beautiful silky hair and will apply balm too on your forehead.

When in office you ll have little misunderstanding with any colleague and you feel like crying, I ll be your hanky to hide the tears.

During lunch, when you ll go to withdraw money, I will remind you not to forget the wallet in the ATM counter.

On the way to office when your car will stop out of fuel, I will run to the fuel station and will bring both petrol and ice cream. Not to damage your beautiful figure, I will remind you not to eat the full ice cream.

In morning, after taking bath when you ll look at the mirror, I will be the first one to compliment for your eternal beauty.

While rushing to bathroom when you ll realize there is no current, I will quickly fill the buckets with hot water in kitchen .........................................(Continued ”)

She read the mail again and again .In due course did not realize when she fell asleep facing the laptop. The cell phone alarm made her wake up. She was too lazy to go to dining hall and stop the alarm. With sleepy eyes, she again looked at the laptop screen. She read the last line of his mail.

“When you ll forget the cell phone in dining table and the alarm rings early morning, I know you ll feel very lazy to wake up . I will always be there (till I die) to stop the alarm clock to allow my Mam to sleep peacefully for 1 more hour. You won’t get late for office though, I will be there to wake you up on time.”

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