selfies are what people who are jobless or people who are looking to show off take. the fact that you would use a camera/phone you are holding to take pictures of yourself from an awkward angle. Then you check to see which one among them is good. Post that image online in various social networking place and delete the rest. that is a sad sad story indeed. However there is one exception to taking selfies. If someone goes to vote so that he/she can take a selfie later and post it online then that is a selfie justified.

the voting in India is abysmally poor. the common man thinks that if just one of them doesnt vote then there is no loss to the system. Gentlemen and ladies out there please remember that if that one sperm would've thought the same way then you wouldn't be existing here. The factoid that we register as less as 50% voting in even metropolises like Mumbai gives me shivers because if not even 50% of the the people show interest in the democratic process then how will democracy function??. The funny part about the younger generation is the culture to upload a selfie of your inked finger after you have cast your vote. That trend at least i'm happy to say gets the younger generation to vote if not their social responsibility. The culture may be one of retards but as long as its helping support democracy i don't think anyone will have a problem with it.
another thing id like to highlight today is the complainers. Yes, i know people who take selfies of themselves besides hulking thrash heaps post it onto the various websites on the net so that they will be as highlighted as the thrash heap beside them. Gentlemen and ladies of the world who do this please consider if you want as much fame as the piece of thrash beside you is gaining.. and the irony of that is the fact that these people hardly care about voting. They believe they as hero's/heroine's of the world wide web are above the democratic process. They would rather be checking the visits to their blogs than go and vote on the voting day. Such people who don't vote have no right to complain about anything..

People have to realise that they can fully claim their right rights only when they fully perform their responsibilities. So all the people out there please go and vote. If not for the country then atleast for your selfie. If not please hold your peace for the next five years when you can vote and talk again.

P.S. its i cast my vote today
not casted and the spelling of cast is cast not caste

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