Key point:



  1. Self-confidence includes two things. Self-efficacy and self-esteem.
  2. Poor self-esteem can cause anxiety, loneliness, stress, and depression.
  3. Childhood experience can determine a lot about low self-confidence.
  4. Low self-confidence creates anxiety, stress, loneliness, and an increased likelihood of depression.





To define the self-confidence of an individual, he has to trust and believe himself or believe his abilities. To be more precise, it is the attitude toward his abilities and skill set that he possesses.


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Gaining self-confidence has mostly two-step:  


  • Knowing one’s strengths.
  • Knowing one’s weaknesses.


Regardless of knowing his weaknesses, that person can hold a positive attitude toward his life is defined as self-confidence. Although some people think that self-confidence is acquired or not learnable but the fact is that self-confidence is to be learned over time.


The importance of self-confidence is inevitable in our day-to-day life to have a healthy sense of life.

Self-efficacy and self-esteem are the most two important components of self-confidence. Most of the time, they are misunderstood by people. Self-efficacy is the sense of our ability to master skills and accomplish goals. It is a process where an individual feels that he can overcome challenges for the present and future. Furthermore, Setting goals and working toward them successfully can enhance self-efficacy.


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On the other hand, self-esteem is the overall feeling of an individual towards his life. Looking at his life how he feels instantly. There is a positive relationship between happiness and positive self-esteem. Some signs of high self-esteem people are:

  • They have a positive perception of relationships and people in general.
  • Actively seeking work, you enjoy.
  • Valuing honesty in self and others.
  • Avoiding self-destructive behaviors. 
  • Assertive in expressing your needs and opinions.
  • Confident in your ability to make decisions.
  • Realistic in your expectations and less likely to be overcritical of yourself and others.



Poor self-esteem can cause anxiety, loneliness, stress, and depression. It can affect personal relationships and friendships negatively. It can hamper personal and professional performance and create the risk of alcohol and drug abuse.




The importance of self-confidence:




Self-confidence is very important to flourish and succeed in life. Higher self-confidence lets you experience freedom from self-doubt and negative thoughts about yourself. A balance self-confidence can allow you to enjoy life maximally and take risks for the opportunity that comes along. Self-confidence can help to gain happiness and satisfaction in our life. To succeed in a relationship and gain mental and physical health, self-confidence is inevitable.

Research shows that when we boost our confidence, we become kinder, more loving, and have greater compassion. In addition, by doing so even the amount we donate to charity increases.

Being certain about your abilities, qualities and judgment can help you to navigate through life properly. If someone is uncertain, it will be difficult for that person to convince anyone.


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Here are the five most important reasons why self-confidence is very important:


  1. Self-confidence makes you attractive.
  2. Self-confidence gets you hired for your desired jobs and clients.
  3. Self-confidence helps you aim for things you only dream about.
  4. Self-confidence helps you make the right decisions.
  5. Self-confidence makes you productive.




The disadvantage of having poor self-confidence:


As I talked about the importance of self-confidence earlier, the disadvantages are clearly devastating in every aspect of life. Lack of self-confidence can affect your career.





As you prefer to stay in your comfort zones, you will less likely to take risks, which can lead to failure. It will affect your motivational level and self-esteem over time.






Here are some consequences of poor self-confidence:


  • Create anxiety, stress, loneliness, and an increased likelihood of depression.
  • Cause problems with friendships and romantic relationships.
  • Seriously impair academic and job performance.
  • Lead to increased vulnerability to drug and alcohol abuse.
  • Not taking risks.
  • Not being open to difficult conversation or criticism.
  • Feeling of exhaustion.



The relationship between self-doubt and self-confidence:



Self-doubt is defined as feelings of uncertainty about one or more aspects of the self. Self-doubt might be coming from previous negative experiences or from attachment style issues.





People with insecure attachments might have experienced being criticized, which will contribute to self-doubt later in life.






Self-confidence, on the other hand, is defined as the sense of accepting and trusting your skills and abilities. Knowing one weakness and strength, a person can still move forward towards life and its challenges.


In conclusion, self-doubt and self-esteem are vice versa but a person can possess both at a time.



The reason for lacking self-confidence:



There are many reasons why a person can have a lack self-confidence.

An interview with social innovator and designer Lauren Currie shows how you need to embrace vulnerability and learn to tolerate failure to allow confidence to prosper.




Childhood experiences can determine a lot about low self-confidence.



Here are some reasons why a person will have low self-confidence:


  1. Genes and Temperament
  2. Life Experiences
  3. Misinformation
  4. The World Around Us.
  5. Anxiety and Depression.


The behavior differences of high and low self-confidence people:


Here is some difference that you can read to understand the difference between high and low self-confidence.




Secrets of high self-confidence people:



Judging yourself to be worthy of success enhance your chances of actual success, while believing doubting what you cannot do reduces the chance of success.

High successful people have a positive attitude toward their life.

Kirshenbaum said in an interview, “The secret of confident people is that they focus on what they know they can do, and then they do that in the best way they can. In addition, they do not worry about the outcome.”



Henry Ford said it best, “whether you think you can or can’t – you are right”.




Here are some attitudes of high self-confidence people:


  1. Confident people do not give up.
  2. Resilience.
  3. Do not fear failure.
  4. Positivity.



How to build a healthy sense of self-confidence:




Building self-confidence begins with loving yourself.  Self-confidence is to be gained over time. Therefore, it is a process of mastering skills and finding abilities or strengths.




Here are some steps to build self-confidence people:



  1. Be honest with yourself.
  2. Start exercising 5- 6 times a week.
  3. Try to make things that push you to go out of your comfort zones.
  4. Try to read books every day for at least 30 minutes.
  5. Defy your impostor syndrome.
  6. Adjust your posture.
  7. Improving new hobbies.
  8. Traveling







To wrap up, self-confidence is very important for a person’s welling and life experiences. Self-confidence allows exploring and enjoying life with full potential without a doubt. Being able to work through your strength over time can boost your self-confidence.

You might feel like it is impossible at a time to build self-confidence but it can eventually help you to be a better person.








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