Seduction is still an art
It's been misunderstood by
those of you that thinks you know what it is
You don't

It's not about pulling her panties to the side
Or her swallowing your soldiers

It should be the beginning of an erotic adventure
It's timing
taste, touch and smell

It has nothing with size
or technique

Practice doesn't make perfect ...
not in this situation
What worked in one situation
may not work in another

As with more artistic things
It's an interpretation
A journey into parts unknown
It must be executed with a surgeons precision

It's about letting go with no fear of falling
Not knowing what's going to happen next
or caring

Knowing where," that spot" was on Monday
Finding a new one on Friday

It's about you being comfortable in your own skin
So your partner can be comfortable letting you in their mind

Seduction is not sex....
It's the key to a door that opens so much more

When you know the difference
Your on your way.........

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