school for me is similar to a starts with a foundation laid deep inside the the beginning there a few classes , few teachers and a principal.just like a small plant with few leaves,few branches,and a stem. as the school grows ,the responsibility of the principal grows with it.just like a stem which becomes thicker and stronger in order to hold the tree upright.
stem holds the constituents of the plant firmly and with great sense of responsibility.branches grow as an agent of the stem { just like teachers }.they teach the tiny leaves,clinging on to them,how to make this tree of education grow.leaves are the most integral part,they are the students.some are spanking green,some are light,some are soft,some are pale.some are good learners others are not.some grow into a flower ,some are hidden behind other leaves.some swing well when the wind blows...but some quit and fall.whatever it may be ...even if they swing well or fall down,they always remain in the lightening shadow of the tree of education. :)
they continue the trail of education sometimes by soring high,sometimes by falling down :)

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