Words dont come easy to me when it comes to speaking something like this.
BVB has given me so many memories and today i feel its right to time to thank THE MAKERS OF THESE MEMORIES.
Apart from academics my best achievement so far is 'My Journey of Robotic Events'. The competitions, the arena, the trips, the fun celebrating success & also failure ;) All thanx to Ram Kumar . I miss ur winning dance performance also ram... also thank Sachin Mahajan for his special touch on our robots ;)
Next in the list is my work with Lead. Team work, sponsors, check-lists :P ,pressure organizing Bravo-Diva - all thanx to Pawan Krish ...
Next is my backbone, the one who helped me survive in ISE, Best Memory in my dept. - Kruthi Wali ...
Now comes probably the best thing i have achieved from BVB - My "G-Div Buddies" starring Anisha Aziz, Sneha Singh, Naziya Saleem, Uday Roy, Vidya Muralidharan, Praneet Kore, Anvesh Katti, all others ..
Last but not the least comes the happening "SILVER STEPPERS" starring , Sneha Burbure, Susheel Bhurat, Sneha Karadi, Deepak, HOD Kisshan, Ramu-kaka patlu..
Thanx all, Love u lots.. Will definitely MISS U :(

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