Rhea was a smart, intelligent girl. She had graduated from a top-engineering college last year and had joined a very reputed MNC. She had made her parents proud. Real proud.

Rheas's parents had lived all their days in frugality saving for her education and now their daughter was drawing a five digit salary. They had to be proud. Rhea, too, was on the top of the world making sure her parents now had access to all the comforts her money could buy. New TV, refrigerator, washing machine, food processor, a high-end smartphone for herself. She had got them everything.

Then suddenly one day Rhea came home like she had fell in a hell hole. Her parents asked her what had happened. She said she didn't knew. She was walking on her way back home and had fell in some uncoverd manhole on the road. Her parents were worried but they forgot about it as an accident.

However few days later the same thing happened again. She had the same reply - She didn't knew how she fell into it. Now things started getting a 'lil more wierd. Rhea would be falling while walking in the office alleyways, at times on her office floor. Sometimes she would just go bump into people or walls or lift doors. Her parents got real worried.

They asked her to take leave from the office for few days and take rest at home. She did. But things didn't change. She would fall while visiting the bathroom from the bedroom, at times stumble and fall while visiting the kitchen. Once she even bumped into the refrigerator.

Her dad took her to a hospital. There were several tests done but nothing came out. The doctors were confused themselves. They hadn't seen something this strange in years of their medical careers. Unable to help they asked her parents to take her home and just take good care of her. And they did.

Then one day Suraj came over to visit her at her home. Suraj was a childhood friend and a family acquaintance. Suraj was a medical student completing his final years of college.

Rhea's father told Suraj about her condition and how worried he was about her. Suraj asked him since when had all this started. He explained him all about the new job at the MNC, the money, the joy it brought, the home appliances, the smartphone etc.etc.

Suraj immediately told him - Uncle, I think I know what she's suffering from. It's called "ultraactive whatsAppiosis". Just deactivate the whatsApp on her phone and she'll be normal again. No more falling on stairs, roads, office desks, bumping into walls or people.

This - my friend - is how Suraj saved Rhea's life.

Moral : Don't keep looking into your smartphone while walking.

‪#‎PleasePleasePleaseMaarnaMat‬. ‪#‎Kal‬ ek aisi madam lad gayi thi humse, unhi se inspire hoke likha hai.

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