A new month means another gruesome trip to the most dreaded mall where I do my grocery every month. As soon as I enter I know something is amiss! Am I missing out on a festival? Is there some celebration going on?? What the hell is up my insides scream.

Females of all shapes and sizes, all ages and classes with one thing in common are wandering all around..... They are all decked up! My mental eye takes an overview of my appearance..... clean nicely ironed shalwar kameez, flat shoes (as I have a lot of walking to do) neat pony tail... wait do I see parlor blow drys around me? (a sharp in take of breath) ok... nice light lips stick and a bit of eye liner. I thought this was enough to look presentable for a grocery shopping. Alas!.... You are the alien among'st these Goddesses.... my insides scream once again!

Take a deep breath keep your calm in these trying times everything will be alright, I tell my self. All braced up to face the Goddesses dressed up for the shadi or at least a party that showed no sign of happening any where I take a turn towards the mart.

Holly Lord what is this?? Is this mob of the Goddesses coming to kill me for under dressing??? I turn to run..... Suddenly life shines on me! I see a huge banner saying SALE!!! PHEW I was safe. Probably giving the time of the day to any lesser mortal like me is not their style I think. The worse is over.... I can do the mandatory.

Could not have been wrong! I spot a face calling my name wait I know this one! :P don't be silly you do not know the higher beings I laugh inwardly.And I realize I am being chastised for my under dressing!

Earth calls to me and my vision clears I see my younger sister giving me... oh hell not one of her style lectures.... How can you even think of walking in a public place looking like this!!! where is your gucci bag I gifted you and you dint even bother wearing proper lips stick, you should have put some blush on at least............... Some thing hit me like a bolt of lightening then! WHAT did she just say come I will help you buy some cool clothes????? I scream No No No that can not be happening I do not have money to waste I have grocery to do!

Giving logical explanation would not work I knew as much! had to come up with a plan of escape! Think quick my mind dictates May be I should just hang my self with my duppatta in the middle of the mall and put an end to this farce forever! maybe I should hit her in the stomach with my cart and run! Once again mother hope smiles down at me I smile very nicely and say Baby I would love to! why don't you give me a bit I need to do something I will catch up with you in a bit! Breath held I wait..... Ok but do come and fast! I am sick of your unkempt appearance how can I even claim you are my sister..... I smile and walk off!!!

Smiling inwards I enter the mart knowing it has jammers and she will never be able to catch me in this big place I heave a sigh of relief! All these women will spend their entire lives spending heaps of money on clothes and accessories and still not be satisfied because every day they wake up the fashion changes!!! I laugh silently. I can be happy with my selected wardrobe and worry about better things. Worry still though because worrying women can not be separated :P! I made sure I get everything on that darn list and do not give Hubby D the chance to scream YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME GO FETCH THINGS AT ODD TIMES WHY CANT YOU SHOP ONCE PROPERLY.......

I walk home heavily laden with stuff wit a full satisfied smile But not for long.... Was Sherry right when she said I am not stylishly dressed? should I actually carry designer bags to big malls???? Hell NOOOOOOO I iam fine just the way I am!

Tags: Humor

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