To live peacefully in Bharat Mahaan, you ought to live like a real pious man.

Look the other way... if a woman's modesty is outraged in public.

Accept all things coming your way, without resisting...bribes included, to keep your big mouth shut.

Practice self control..especially when you are being admonished for cutting lanes while driving.

Forgive them..when they catch you surfing porn on the office net.

Be least act like it..when your wife finally goes home to meet her parents. see your cheater son score more than his studious friend.

Be generous... diverting the society's funds to your relatives.

Close your eyes..take a deep breath and say 'Shanti..Shanti..'...when you see her..your pretty maid, Shanti, approaching.

Always serve...yourself first at the buffet.

Help..yourself with the office' stationery.

Be the lovely neighbor's wife.

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