It's short but speaks volumes as to how the current generation treats something as love, which earlier used to be a cherished possessions in people's life. the social irony is at best in your play though the language is not intense and doesn't try hard to convey something. which is a good thing, we are after all in an era of literature where harsh truths and satires are to be read out in the language of the masses or the youth as i believe. The play does exactly that. Nevertheless i was talking about the social irony, which is most evident yet smooth on readers is the last line of the play. while romeo and juliet died for love, Juslut and Romhoe would rather die than to be in love. I loved this irony. the other important aspect of the play is a seemingly lurking shallowness in the mindset of the young people involved in the play, both guys and girls, probably this is what you wanted to show. the girls go on to discuss the hotness of the guy and never for once probe into his character, which is at best revealed to us by the narrator himself. Juslut's firm resolve in denying Romhoe's companionship clearly spells out our generation's impatience, for she is not even ready to give a chance to Romhoe to speak for himself. Romhoe and his friends on the other hand are living examples of modern chauvinism where for them Juslut is nothing but a very desirable sexual specimen, treating her by her body hence, even if so in their minds. The next thing which I believe as my personal discovery about the play is our generation's ability to have mutual conversation in person, no doubt we have the confidence to go and speak our minds out but we hardly have the inclination to listen. Which in my opinion is very clear in a way the conversation ensues from the window of Juslut right down to the garden where Romhoe stands. Its picture perfect in its own right but amusingly ironical again in a different sense. The love smitten conversation of Romeo and Juliet in a similar milieu is a timeless classic in the genre of romantic literature. These two people in their twenties have unconsciously enacted something of the sort though now they are pelting abuses at each other only to be stopped and persuaded to love each other by Juslut's uncle, we see a reversal of roles and intentions here, for romeo and juliet were separated by their loved ones only. there are just so many angles to this rather short piece of fiction. there is a personal philosophical aspect to it which represents personal individual freedom of choice weighed against an endeavor to spark love. there is a social aspect to it, where love is constantly being reduced in its importance or the definition of same is rapidly changing and then there is that amusing element of iron that makes you laugh and wonder pensively at the same time.
this was about the aesthetic value of the play, now let me tell you of the style of writing and the perspective on language. the language is not literary, it is not supposed to given the setting of the play, rather it is colloquial which gives us something to identify with this play and may get across the hidden undercurrents and portrayals to the intended readers effectively. Language is colloquial but there had been no desperate efforts made to make it so, it flows naturally which gives a good texture to the writing, a hidden quality that may get one easily hooked on to the piece. Which I believe is very good, as the rest comes after it. Furthermore, what is admirable is the description of the atmosphere and its details encircling the girls and the guys, for instance the strawberry scented candles and the beer, even the evident tone and fashion of speaking draws the gender distinction and that too in such brevity which can only be expected from a seasoned writer. My only complain from this play if any is that, as to why did this play runs but two pages alone.

Also since the short play deals with so many underlying themes and motifs, I might not put it in the genre of humor out and out, I want to understand it as something of a black comedy, dark humor with a tinge of lightness of mood and tone and an essential non seriousness to it.

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