Other guys want her, while you have her. While you have
her, you no longer act like you want her like you used to.
She still wants you, but other guys are starting to treat
her better than you do. Do you know how lucky you are?
You have a girl that other guys wish they had and if you
keep acting like you don’t want her anymore, you might
just end up not having her anymore. Think about this.
You don’t want to talk to her? Other guys wish they had
her number and those who do, probably blow up her
phone. You don’t want to see her? Other guys wish they
could spend the day with her and those who can, value
their time with her. You don’t want to be there for her?
Other guys wish they could be close to her and those
who are, comfort her until she’s happy again. Out of all
these guys, she talks to you the most, sees you the most
and depends on you to comfort her the most. Don’t make
her regret that.

::::: PK <3 MâĎĎÝ :::::

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