Every year, consumers in rich countries waste almost as much food (222 million tonnes) as the entire net food production of sub-Saharan Africa (230 million tonnes).

Even if just one-fourth of the food currently lost or wasted globally could be saved, it would be enough to feed 870 million hungry people in the world.

It is estimated that we throw away a third of the food we buy each week.

In developed countries, the bulk of the waste is due to the fact that many retail chains refuse to accept food that does not meet uniform standards of size, color and texture.

Well,these are points when we speak at a global level.But,how about wastage at individual level?
Haven't you seen the rich leaving half the plate of food uneaten? I have seen it personally at my home.
A full cup of tea offered and not even half of it is consumed.The reason i get "status issues","style factor"!!
Ahh!!! isn't it disgusting when you know millions of people go to bed hungry each day and on the other side are people who are not even thankful for getting the top class meal?

The other day i was just walking with my friend and suddenly she had a wish to have an ice cream.I said alright
let's buy one.She preferred a simple chocobar. We started walking back to college when i saw this little kid staring at the ice cream. Those eyes looking at the ice cream in a wish to relish it made me realize of how lucky we are. I wanted to buy her one,but we had already walked a long way from the ice cream parlor and
it was difficult to get back there as we were getting late to the class as well.In a matter of two minutes my friend said she was bored of the ice cream and she threw it on the road.At this moment ,i just felt like slapping her hard.

There are these people in the world who die of poverty,who don't get a single meal in a day,in extreme cases of Africa where kids feed on soil and on the other side we have people who throw food because they get bored of eating,they are modern they don't want to finish the food completely,they are people belonging to high society and completing food in their plate would be a disgrace.