"A woman brought you into this World, So you have no right to Disrespect one...."
An apt line for those people who still don't know how to respect a Woman. If you read out headlines of daily newspapers you can highlight numerous Headlines related to Molestation, Rapes, Female Foeticide , Murders due to dowry cases and the list continues. The mentioned issues are just a glimpse of what a woman is actually facing.You assume that lifestyle of a woman has changed, it is far better than what it was before.Hell NO!! You are the reason why they are living in a condition which has made there life pathetic. There been so much cases that have been highlighted during the last few days, that it seems as if I am a fool sitting over here and writing this. Everyone knows what happened with the girl in Guwahati and then with the Cop who was molested by the a National party workers who were protesting for no reason as she tried to have a check on them. It seems as if we are fools or dumb asses who are not able to do anything for the better of the society. Talking of administration I still remember what the police officials stated after a Gurgaon Pub worker was gang-raped, They were with the statement that no woman will work in Pubs after 8. It would have been better for them if they would have tried to catch the culprits rather than making useless statements.
For what i think is that, Its not just men who holds all the credits of this miserable condition of women, but somewhere deep down the whole scenario women themselves are too responsible. Getting freedom, Rights and their say in society is far far better. But somewhere some of them has misused them and this misuse also contributes to their condition. And for men no doubt they have been the main culprits.
At the later part we are just left with the option that everyone Women,Men and administration all have to work together for the better of the society. Sometimes when things don't workout by own, then you have to step forward to fight for it and if they still don't workout then simple raise your level and thinking and things will be easily done. Everything will be the same till you don't try to change them.

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