Just few days back Newspapers and TV channels were flooded with news regarding Kapil Sibal’s experiments. I doubt his reforms would have worked or not. But the Man was left disappointed at the end and if you ask me he deserved that. He wants the same pattern as USA have, Common examination for every subject. But he needs to understand we aren’t even near to US at present and moreover India is a country where at every 100 kms Language, Culture, Lifestyle everything changes, if we compare same to USA they share most of the things same within themselves. Hence it is easy for them to have same level of examination for all. And moreover we changes in IIT-JEE pattern won’t help anyone it will only prove as a Graveyard to students coming from state boards and different mediums. But certainly I agree that reforms are necessary in Indian Education system. One such change which I think is necessary is Reduction in the number of years of our school life. Just give it a thought we give our 15 years of life to school life and at the end we just remember 20-25% of what we have learnt, I agree that this part is very crucial but in my views this span 15 years can easily be shortened to 10-11 odd years. So why we directly think of reforms at the highest levels even when changes at the basic and lower levels have become more of a necessity. Just think over it what is more necessary Reforms in IIT-JEE pattern or reduction in span of 15 years where 33% of our time is a WASTE. Think that way also.

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