It was a dreadful time. I had contacted conjunctivitis. For the very first time.

So, here I lay. Doing nothing all day. Except stare at the ceiling. Swabbing the eye from time to time with cotton balls, pouring drops every now and then.

One week passed. Now it spread to the second eye. It was sheer misery. "Add drops of boiled and cooled coriander water (the seeds), it cools the eyes," somebody suggested. Nothing worked.

Another week passed. My doctor on vacation, I sorely missed him. Its just the viral type. No harm. He had said.

One day I found something amiss. I couldn't see with one eye. Vision was getting blurred. Alarmed, I called my Doctor brother. He prayed over me and advised me to see a specialist at once. To get an appointment with one, is the difficult part. The process takes days and days. I found one near our home. "The infection's slightly gone into your cornea," he said quietly.
On steroids now, he asked me to visit him again some days later.

I continued the drops, my vision now definitely better.
Then I remembered the dream. Some months back, I had dreamt of myself standing before a mirror, with some serious problem with my eye. I didn't pay much attention to it. Wish I had.
It was His warning!

"How are you now?" my brother queried. "I asked the eye specialist who works with me, she said it was could have lost your eye, had no timely treatment been taken."

I was shocked beyond words.
Was it the dream? Was it my brother's prayer, the urgency in his voice? Or even the smart doctor who diagnosed so well?

I think it was a combination of all three.

Yesterday, someone on FB commented on my eyes. "They are nice," he remarked.

I could only lift my eyes heaven wards and say, "Were it not for You, my Friend, I would have been now the woman with one eye."

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