I just finished reading Mrityunjay (marathi novel by Shivaji Sawant). Well I know this book needs no introduction, it's already a blockbuster. I had heard a lot about it and was very eager to read it. I had decided that once I finish it, I will write a post about it. The character of Karna from Mahabharat is very popular and loved by the masses and this character is the theme of the novel.

Prior reading the book, I had elementary knowledge about the life events of Karna; yet the author's writing style was simply impressive and filled with power. Reading the book was an emotional journey, it felt as if I am experiencing the emotions depicted in the book.

The narration of the book is in first person (by Karna). Some chapters are narrated by the important people of his life. The book makes you acquainted with all the facets of Karna's mind. How his destiny dictated his thoughts and how his thoughts affected his actions.

How many a times I was on the verge of crying and sometimes I actually did cry. May be it sounds melodramatic, but it is just not possible to not get affected. The building up of Karna's character is so well depicted. Reading this book makes us realize that his character is an all time source of inspiration.

Whether an ardent Karna fan or criticizer, this book is meant for everyone. The book is also available in English and other vernacular languages. For those who can understand and read marathi, go for the original marathi version. The language is mind blowing.

I actually wanted to write down about my state of mind when I was reading the book but it is just beyond explanation. Read the book and feel it yourself .. :)

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