I love the comfort of home. I love these cozy little things: small pillows on the couch, family photos, a soft blanket on the bed, beautifully decorated table and the smell of baking from the oven.

I love cozy clothes: knitted or just soft sweater, if I buy, then at least one size larger than mine. I love scarves and hats with pompoms, mittens with beautiful pattern, and cute toes too much.

I love the cozy cafes, those in which you would like to come with a friend, order a delicious cake and just talk, comfortably ensconced in an armchair. I love this atmosphere in the cafe, especially before the holidays.

I love the cozy books which I want to read, for the first time, or those that you read the
first time, but you already can not put it down.

I love cozy people. I love it when I can talk to someone about anything; when it does not matter who writes the first, most important is the communication itself.

Welcoming people - those who are always around, they become part of you. They first learn your news, they worry about you as you are for them. It is these people that makes me comfortable.

I love the comfort


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