Emotions.....Most people dont show them or try to hide there true feeling behind a mask of indifference, toughness or wariness...others would call it insensitive. if i dont ask how u r or not notice the changes in your clothes or if i m not the first person to say hello doesnt mean i m arrogant or impolite...it might mean that i m shy.
now all this sounds like i m pathetic person who is always sad or something ....but the truth is i seem to be a very carefree person to most people and others think i m arrogant because i dont talk ...now this totally sounds like i m constantly whining that nobody understand me but its not like that. i may not show y true feeling or say i m sorry about something out loud when everybody says that and i dont know why that happens ....i mean i want to say i m sorry about this or compliment about that but it just doesnt come out of my mouth ....i mean i notice but i m not comfortable in voicing all my thoughts....its just not me.
okay so i have a problem and thinking about it makes me think about how lonely life is at the moment...the problem actually doesnt have any relation with me being lonely or me not showing emotions but its forcing me think and looks like its not good for me when i start thinking on life and its dramas.
"My Problem" : There is a friend of mine who did a mistake (many mistakes) huge ones...these mistakes have shown her to be a liar and no one can trust her .....no one trusts her, me neither. The thing is everybody is still with her but no one is her friend anymore. the main problem of this person is she doesnt seem to regret anything or maybe she does and i have no way to find out...i mean i want to take a stand ...i want to be sure if she doesnt regret anything then to leave her alone so that i can atleast live my life and if there is a chance that she needs help then help her but i dont know how to make her realize that she should change.
i m scared that if she continues to go on this way she is going to totally ruin her life. Somebody told me i should help but not let it affect my life. I m trying but if i dont try my 100% to help her out than i would be responsible atleast tinsy bit in ruining her life.
I guess i went of topic so i dont know what to do and thats making me introspect... and i have finally realized ( i know most people wont agree but...) that when atleast at my age if u think too much of life and your position in your life and peoples life u wouldnt like the direction of your thoughts because almost always it gets negative.

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