I've seen sunsets at midnight
I've heard wolves howling at dusk
I've heard the crackling of wood burning
And I've seen dogs racing in -20F

I survived driving into a river that was melting in February
I made it through a winter in a cabin at -40F with no electricity
I had the privilege of living in beautiful Anchorage, AK
And went shopping a hundred miles from home at -40F

My wife and I were able to serve in our little community of Healy
Three winters we directed Christmas musicals which I wrote.
We had the opportunity to meet people from all over the world
While we worked at Denali National Park.

We survived the swarms of mosquitoes in the long summer months
We cleaned and prepared many a road kill moose
We went hare hunting in -30F
We always ate salmon, caribou and moose

I love to watch the snow as it falls
I get exhilarated driving snow machines on our narrow trail
ATV;s are a blast any time of the year
I love fishing any chance I get even through the ice

What can I say more to explain how awesome it is
The bad things that happened (and they did) seem like nothing
Compared to the joy Alaska has put in my heart.

Thanks for letting me share about Alaska

Tags: Alaska

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