High rise buliding, i mean huge buildings with large roof area can collect water during rains and then allow that water to flow through channels into reservoir tanks and this flow of water can be used to generate electricity. Bulidings should go a little modification in their existing structure and they can have the extra electricity they will use to light up during low sunlight hours. Indeed their is an initial cost involved but if sumone is trying to harvest rain water he can add this little thing to his venture and harvest mor out of rain!!!
Maybe the idea of mking a channel for water flow sounds expensive, messy n not so efficient, but a very feasible alternative is to let this water fill up into huge water bags on the roof and then let it descend slowly. This load will be connected to the generator shaft or turbine and while this load descends electricity can be generated. For a fixed size of air bag the load will be constant and for a fixed field current in the rotor a fairly constant emf could be generated. Starting this generator could be a problem. For that a DC genrator would be a good alernative......

nt done yet...as there may be a lot of technial flaws!!

From my blog written it many years ago!!!

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