There was a gunshot. That was all he heard until his ears became accustomed to any new sound. This time it was the sound of huffing and puffing lungs. Vik wasn't sure if it were his own lungs that made ruckus which fill his ear or if it were the amalgamation of the 8 pair of lungs that ran side by side. The race was about to complete. It now was a matter of few meters and mental strength. Vik could feel his leg go heavier with every stride he took towards the finish line. His heart pounded hard as if it were about to burst and fell out of his mouth. But what pestered him wasn't the heart or his smoke prone worn out lungs. It was the heavy brain and the thoughts that had begun to take its toll. It had always been it that had betrayed him at the vital times. 'Thud thud!' of sprinting legs suddenly begun to make way for sudden commotion of moving city vehicles.

Vik stood in front of a magnificent skyscraper. The sea facing, Trident. It stood toll mocking at the roaring temptous waves that tried to meet its magnanimity only to loose every time. It was a lost battle they fought.

Four years back standing at the same point at the marine drive he had lost a race. A race which would not bring any medal to him. But yet a race. Meher, one of the oldest friend of Vik walked on her right there.

'We had been friends for past 16 years. And now you choose him over me?' said Vik.

Meher and Vik had been the closest friends ever since they met at the playschool. It was a bear shaped soft-toy which looked more of a piglet coz of the special rather peculiar nose. Two nostrils had been poked into its nose by some mischievous boy. The fight for the custody of the pig-bear ended into a cat fight. Both ended up bruised and crying. Until the Soft spoken 'Miss' handed them over with two identical monkey soft-toys.

That was the last time they fought. Not the very last. But last time for that month. Their quarrels never did stop until the day they left school for their respective colleges. Meher and Vik did everything together. Whether it be playing singing or participating in any activities. Though they were together , yet always as rivals. With each landing into opposite team. They were like two perfect contradictions. Yet no ritual existed without them participating into it.

They would stare at girls and boys. Commenting on each one of them. Never really appreciating anyone, always the same derogatory, criticizing comments.

Once they were into colleges, things changed. They missed each other. But soon a sense of solitary living set into both of them until Meher met Ali. Ali was a perfect gentlemen, handsome, built and dressed to kill. Meher fell for her. By the time Vik realized his love for Meher. The battle was over.

'Yes, we has been friends for 16 years. But Its Ali i love now.' said Meher. 'But what about us? What about the all the good times we had? Don't they count?" asked Vik. 'They do, but you are my friend. How can i love you?

16 years or more. they don't count in this perspective. I don't love u. And the past 4 years i had spent with Ali, are the most special moments of my life. You were not there all these years. It was Ali who stood by me.' said She.

Meher walked on Vik moving to her left walking the hustling lane of marine drive. Vik just stood staring into the void that she had just left in his heart.

Few months back. Vik met Radhika. She was a bubbly, chirping girl made up of pure life. She was a live wire. The very moment he met her, his life begun to change. The void he had all these years seemed to be filling.

With her around, Vik began to live finally. They begun to explore the city of dreams, Mumbai. Together in the new light. And all of a sudden Vik could see the world was a better place. He could feel the joy reverberating to him.

It was as if he had been walking a lonely path and suddenly hit a jackpot. Radhika and her nuances were both so unique. Vik often wondered how did she manage to be cute and beautiful at the same time. Within a little span

of time they had become very close friends. Only a month had passed and Vik begun to wonder if he should propose Radhika. He didn't want the history to repeat again. He could not bear the thought of loosing her as well.

So one fine evening he asked Radhika to meet her at Marine Drive. When she arrived the spent time staring at the beautiful Arabian sea. Until the time came. Vik knew his plan. He asked her to close the eyes. Vik had been working

on his plan for a week now. He knew exactly when the lights at the Marine Drive where turned on. Just when the dawn begun to settle. He told Radhika to close her eyes. She did as said. A few seconds and he let her open her eyes. Radhika saw the street feel up with gleaming yellow light and there in front of her stood a magnificent chariot, typical yet unique. He helped her board it. With wind evening cool breeze at its prime, followed by a perfect approaching sunset. The mood was set. The rode through the streets. A mild traffic passed by them. Finally on reaching the end point. Vik proposed her.

'No, Vik it can't be. Why are you spoiling our perfect friendship' said Radhika repulsively. ' I love someone else, we had been friends for 4 years, you just came into my life. How can i make you understand this. He had been in my life as a friend all these years. And how can you arrive on such a decision so soon in our relation?'. Vik had nothing to reply. He wasn't listening anymore. He stood staring into the void which had begun to seep back into his heart. As Radhika walked on him to his right.

All these years, he could not understand this race. When he had definite lead of 16 years Meher left him. Now when he thought he might repent if he did not propose The same 'years of friendship' come back to haunt him.

Vik knew he could never win a race. At least not this race of love and life.

'Thud! thud!' of heavy striding steps came back to his ear. The end line was too near now. He had the strength left to win the race. Yet his mind begun to fade. 'This is a race too. Will I win?' was the last thought that crossed his mind.

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