May Nirbhaya's soul rest in peace...
I pray for her, who was the real warrior. Friends, the goverment is just trying to stop the protesters in delhi who are fighting for her rights, but not punishing those bloody murderers. While those people are protesting on the streets, you should also be a part of the protest. Try to fight for her rights in whatever way you can. I will contribute through my writings till those rapists gets hanged.

A word to our Indian government: This is not to offend anyone but, Damini was our sister. W are just fighting for her right. And Damini was your daughter and sister too. So please we people just want you too to punish those rapists who have done this thing to your sister and daughter... The minimum punishment for them is, hanging them. Please do it for your sister... Let her get the justice... Hang those murderers...

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