Why did you love me,
If you couldn't do that for ever?
Why do you miss me,
If you'll come back here never?
Why did you give me these questions,
If you couldn't just answer them?
Damn! Why did you lead me to mayhem,
When you'd promised me the heaven?

Now tell me;
Where do I get an answer to these mysteries?
Show me light in this dark ebony.
I can't win over these endless quizzes;
Solve these puzzles for me.

Why did you come here,
If you had to show me this bereft?
Why did you go away,
Without fulfilling my deep inner quest?
Why did you make me smile,
And then stole it all away?
Damn! Why did you once made me alive,
If now you had to make me fray?

Now tell me;
Where do I get an answer to these mysteries?
Show me light in this dark ebony.
I can't win over these endless quizzes;
Solve these puzzles for me.

Now, when you'd gone completely away;
Why did you talk to me today?
When you'd got nothing to say;
Why did you call me today?

Damn! Tell me why;
Why can't you ever look by my way?

Now tell me;
Where do I get an answer to these mysteries?
Show me light in this dark ebony.
I can't win over these endless quizzes;
Solve these puzzles for me.

Tags: Poetry

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