With all the hype surrounding Valentine's day now well behind us, I began wondering about what really is love?

Is love just the kind shown in movies...couple running around trees, singing a lovely song and cuddling in a firm, passionate embrace. The next morning she cries, "Mai tumhare bacchhe ki maa banne wali hoon."
Now the guy tries to wriggle out of the situation. He succeeds. And she's left to fend for the baby all by herself.

I'm afraid this is the idea of love portrayed by our society at large. Our youth grow up with this idea of 'eros' an erotic love. Sexual in intent and content.

Eros is fine within marriage.

There's another form of love called, 'Phileo,' (a greek word), a feeling of warmth and affection for another person. Usually to a friend. Even to a brother. Never directed towards an enemy.
Phileo is generous and yearns to make someone happy.
I would put a mother's love too in this category. Though she loves her child purely, yet it can be possessive at times.

The highest form of love is called 'Agape' love. It is love without strings attached.
Agape is unique and distinguished by its nature and character. It is neither eros nor phileo in nature, which are basically self oriented. Kind of selfish.

Agape is the purest, most sublime form of love ever seen. A human is incapable of possessing it. It has to be imparted by God Himself.

It's a love that loves the unlovable..that lavishes oneself on others.
A love always desiring someone else's benefit. That puts others above himself or herself.
It is sacrificial in nature. Not an iota of self is visible.

Agape love is not a feeling, a nice emotion, but a definite resolve, an act of will that puts others' welfare above one's own.

This love can even love its enemies! No vengeful act ever emanates from it.

Mother Teresa displayed it amply as she walked around Calcutta streets rescuing the poor and homeless.
Martyred missionary Graham Staines' wife forgave his murderer because she had this love.
God displayed it to us as He chose to come as man.

It's a love that prompts us to give up our lives for others.

Wondering what kind of love we are after!

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