Darkened skies loom heavier
and nearer than before.
The air grows thick,
But not with anticipation.
The chills that once ran my spine
Are replaced with a gripping pressure
That will not release
It's strangling grip from my soul.
The winds howl
As the storm picks up once more.
This rain is final,
For it falls much harsher than days past.
Falling like acid,
It burns through my flesh
and erodes what once stood firmly:
The will of the eternal guardian
Who can no longer serve it's purpose.
Accepting my fate,
I turn once more to the storm
and let it engulf me.
If this is to be,
I reluctantly agree.
I can no longer kill myself
To sustain that which is nonexistent.
Hollow, empty remnants
Of what I once was are all that mark
My place of defeat;
The shell of a pathetic creature
Who could never be honest with you
Or with itself,
and fled from that which finally decayed.

The storm subsides for the final time
As my legs give way
and I'm left collapsed;
Huddled over the remains
Of what I once was
and what I will never be,
My only regrets being
That I could not fulfill my promise
Nor enlighten you
With that which I've written.
As I wallow in self-pity,
and guilt,
the memories of you
Unleash their floodgates upon my mind,
But the melodies come no more.

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