Procrastination for Dummies

What is that word you are too lazy to pronounce?

The act of delaying something that you should do, usually because you do not want to do it. That is what the dictionary says. To me, it means a lot more than this. I have been devoted to this radical notion from early days.
My memories of procrastination goes back to watching Tom running after Jerry while I was supposed to be doing my homework in 3rd grade. The bright side at that time was obviously the cartoons and that adrenaline rush in completing homework before my tutor came, my brother egging me on-¨He is right by the door!! Just two more lines, hurry up.¨. Ah, the good days.
So, do you crave that adrenaline rush? Or do you just want to be a part of this new craze? Well, if you are reading this, it is enough of a reason. There are millions of ways to procrastination and millions of reasons to do the same. No, I am not gonna give you a reason to procrastinate, I am just going to give you a walk-through into this heavenly world. So, loosen your pants, get comfortable and enter the journey to self-satisfaction.
CAUTION: Dummies without strong hearts are requested to go back to their responsibilities and duties.

Material required

Procrastination like all art forms requires some basic materials.
#1 A PC/laptop/smart phone, Internet connection increase the productivity of this.
One of the most creative and vibrant way to procrastinate. It can make you shirk your work for hours.

#2 A comfortable bean bag/couch/bed.
It is great for lounging around without a care in the world, the location of this equipment should be in a private place for best results, undisturbed by non-believers.

#3 A friend who has already mastered this art.
This is not compulsory, but it is good for fast learning. That is why I keep telling my friends how lucky they are to have me.

#4 An I-pod/music player and a talent to sing without care:
One of the best method, it provides entertainment as well as dexterity in singing.

#5 A TV set.
Remote control is a must have. Just think about all those channels, all those celeb gossips you can't get enough of!

#6 A crush.
E-stalking is fun, no one thinks you are a creep or pedo-bear because you are never going to get caught.

#7 A creative, imaginative, taboo-free mind.
The cheapest way to procrastinate. Just let those gears turn and your mind will take you from ninjas to chocolate filled goodness.

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