Imagine a piece of dry,barren land.So parched,its literally cracked up leaving huge gaping holes around. Effect of severe drought.

Suddenly it begins to rain. Soft at first,then a bit heavy. Some days later,the first tiny blade's visible. Within days a full fledged shrub.

The leaves glisten,swaying beautifully in the breeze. Suddenly showers arrive.It rains relentlessly for days on end.The plant's no more. Buried deep in the soil,back where it belonged. A result of over watering.

You ask me why this poetry? Well,its an allegory. Of what excessive praise can do. You see there is a difference between praise and overpraise. Its separated by a very thin line. The person who praises another for his achievements has done well.

He ensures that its recipient does well in future too. An employee when praised just right is fine. But praised excessively? It goes into his swollen head,his head in the clouds now,he looks down on everyone. He develops a superiority complex. It would be difficult to cut him to size again.

Some times praise given must be realistic.
Indian Idol auditions portray this fact so well. How could young people,with no talent whatsoever,nevertheless confidently come in and make total fools of themselves?

They must have had moms or some family member goading them on. To become cartoons on prime time television. I mean let parents be realistic. To let their kids know where exactly they stand with respect to their talent and not waste time competing with someone better.

The competitive spirit is so intense in moms and dads that they want their offspring to excel at everything,regardless of whether they really have an aptitude for it or not.

A dose of healthy criticism is important. Only then can they grow as fine people without any trace of arrogance.

But praise is vital. For an individual to bloom into his full potential. Or he'd withdraw into his shell,depressed and his creativity eternally suppressed.

The concern for us is to juggle between praise and excessive praise.
With utmost care.

For praise is fine,
but overpraise?
Then draw a line.

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