Guys! Can I ask you a straight question? How would it affect your life, if your wife became suddenly famous?

I watch this western woman, a spiritual, motivational speaker...she comes on our hindi channels too, speaking from the platform with such confidence, that I feel like giving her 'Speechless' at the end of her every talk.

She's awesome. So lovely, trim and well dressed for her age. She's sixty plus. She has a flair for words and shares her life story absolutely from her heart, with a dash of humor added every now and then.

She holds large conferences, attended by hundreds or even thousands worldwide. I've been hugely influenced by her frank, unpretentious life.

She takes digs at her tall hubby seated in the front. The camera now focuses on him. He laughs his straightforward laugh. The audience joins him too.

It doesn't take long for anyone to realize, the main hero of the story is actually him. She's only what he has allowed her to be.
I gaze in awe at him. What a humble man! Who'd so easily allow all adulation to fall on his wife.

She admits readily that he's actually the person who runs the entire thing. But behind the scenes. Once she steps off the stage, he takes over. Then she's free. To concentrate on her next talk.

What a wonderful combination! Of beauty and simplicity. Fame and humility. A finely balanced, God centered family, with absolutely no power struggles, no ego issues.

I wonder, if our Indian men, with their inflated male ego, could even reach the stature of this man. I watch so many well established actresses struggling to find partners in marriage. As also successful career women remaining single all their lives.

Is it insecurity? Of being unable to face her popularity and freedom? Or just the age old notion that a woman must be inferior to her man?

Guys, what do you really think?

What would YOU do?

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