okey let me be really bold and frank here, pornography in general feel so good, they could become just as addictive as smoking and alcohol. because sex releases neurochemicals in the brain, those neurochemicals could act like drugs on the brain. generally we start this with like a filmy magazines where actresses with hot poses or Playboy magazine, for instance, and later ending up with some extreme hardcore pornographic content.

And i strongly believe it has psychological effects it could also make one feel that they would develop unrealistic expectations from the real women in their life...
Actually we are paying more attention to porn in unwanted ways than to enjoy it just for what it is
Recently one of my friend is scared and worried about his brother, coz he discovered his little brother who is in 4th grade watching porn.... wtf such a hypocrite my friend is, even my friend watch porn, to avoid his little bro from doing it he changed the computer password,
and i know it wont stop his brother from watching he will definitely find other source, i asked my friend instead changing the computer password GO and talk to him directly, he is ur brother not sister be free with him give him a guidance say him whats wrong whats right directly rather then beating behind the bush, He was like wtf wrong with you, he's a kid yet. nd if he came to knw that even i watch porn he will definitely take advantage of it... i failed to convenience my friend.

It makes sense to talk about it with his brother instead of pretending that it doesn’t exist.

The truth is that for a kid who hasn’t reached sexual awakening, those images won’t mean anything. And once he reaches the age, nature will anyway teach him; he won’t need porn for that. and his bro reached that stage i guess a bit too early though

I Think subject porn should add as a lesson in social textbooks in 8th standard with a guidance how to tackle it. most of the teens in 8th grade might have already discovered what porn is.

whatever Medically speaking, you can smoke and drink yourself to death but porn dont kill you

we are living in a repressed society with maximum restrictions... but its true that we are actually paying a lot more attention to porn in unwanted ways than to enjoy it just for what it is.

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