I remember me, my brother, who's the oldest of us three and my kid sister, sitting down to play carom one day. We were in school then.

He challenged us to win the game. He said we could never.

We smiled and replied, "We'll see."

We both , formed one team and he was alone.

15 minutes swiftly flew by.

He was aghast on discovering his coins were all gone and his final pursuit after the pink queen fruitless too.
He lost it all.

We jumped up crying, "We won."

Suddenly his expression changed.
Angered by the unexpected turn of events, maybe.
He gave us both one hard slap each and ran away full speed to his room.
What a poor loser!

We laughed and laughed then.

Recently we reminded him of that game.
"I really don't remember," he confessed.

Now whether that's true or not we can't say.
But I think he looked sheepish!

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