One day hummm, nice, hats off and speechless went to a party. Speechless looked splendid, dressed like royalty. He looked a bit out of place actually. Hats off was a gentleman, in suit and tie. Well mannered and amicable, he stole hearts.

Women loved hats off...he offered his seat to every woman young or old. He kept tipping his hat on and off. Tiressly.

Nice was a okay sort of guy. Likeable but slightly selfcentred.
He talked to people if they talked to him first. Otherwise he was somewhat reserved. He kept to himself..fiddling on his mobile.

Hummm was the worst of the lot. He was faded, never washed jeans. He wore a torn banian and was unshaved and unkempt with disheveled hair flying all around his obnoxious face. He thought he looked cool.
People wondered how this crazy fellow kept company with the other classy ones.

"Twist of fate", cried one woman to another. " Why else could people make such strange bed fellows," she wondered.

The party continued. The foursome went upstage. Speechless wowed his audience.He danced..he sang. Amazingly talented.. He was truly the star of the evening.

Hats off was too polite. His neck sprained because of constant hand motion with his hat. He collapsed.

Nice drank a wee bit more and got tipsy. He commented unnecessarily on a woman's sari and got slapped in return.
Nice gave her a nice slap too.The police was called. The foursome were bundled out. Speechless was silent.

Now hummm watched all this in glee. He never had liked nice. Nor any other in the group. He always wondered what he was doing with them. And why did folk always admire the others? He smiled.

"Strange." He thought as he walked away puffing on his cigar,feeling somewhat elated.

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